Hi friends. Finally - it’s Tucker Tuesday!
I’m going to get what mama calls “feela’soft’tickle” today. Mama says all the hearts and candy in the world this month are here because people celebrate love in “Febiary”, but I wondered what that means and why there is a month to celebrate something we feel all the time. I heard on the picture box one day that the world needs more love, and that didn’t make any sense to me because with all the puppies in the world how could there possibly be any more love, but then I realized… maybe you guys don’t know love like we know love! So here’s what love is, from a puppy’s point of view. Love is… …going to sleep knowing when you wake up your people will be there to snuggle you. …making a booboo on the floor and trying really hard to do better because you know it makes your people happy when you do a good-boy thing. …when daddy gets the cold rocks out of the freezer and lets the thingie run a little longer so extra rocks will fall on the floor for you to chase and bite and play with. …barking like the dickens when “oven puppy” shows up because you want to make sure mama and daddy are safe. …bringing mama your monkey when she’s on the couch ready for snuggles. …racing down the steps when daddy gets home because he hasn’t seen you all day and must be missing you something awful. …licking the kitty in the ears because she can’t reach them to lick them herself. …waking mama up at 2am so she doesn’t have to clean piddle off the rug at 6am. …sharing your chewy with your people because they share their snacks with you. …waiting for hours and hours for your people to come home because you know how happy they will be to see you. …kissing tears out of your person’s eyes when they have a sad thing. …having someone who looks at you the way I’m looking at mama in this picture. Love isn’t that hard, these are things every puppy comes equipped knowing how to do. Mama read me a story one day about a little girl whose puppy dog went away to Rainbow Bridge. The girl’s mama and daddy tried to explain to her why dogs don’t stay on earth as long as people, and the little girl said she already knew why. She said “God put us all here to learn how to love the way He loves. Puppies already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long as we do.” The story made mama cry, and I think it’s because she knows it’s harder for people to love like that. I can tell ya, loving people that way takes some practice, but it sure is worth it. So hopefully you had some love to celebrate this month. If you need some more you can always come back to this picture, I’m pretty sure it’s what love looks like. But what do I know, I’m just a puppy. Love – for real… Tucker PS – yesterday I turned 6 months old. That’s half a year! Mama says I act like a teenager and I don’t know exactly what that means but it makes her laugh so I’ll try to keep doing it for a while!
Tucker Bear here, reporting in with a farm safety update for Tucker Tuesday!
Life on the farm is frought with danger and loud noises and scary things, so a pup has to be on high alert at all times. For one thing, mama is still in denial about "oven puppy", so I can't be surprised at her nonchalant attitude about this week's dangers. Let me explain. First thing this morning I was shaken from a sound slumber (that's me slumbering in mama's bed, where I sometimes sleep with one eye open to protect her from the scary things she doesn't know about) when we were attacked by what I can only assume were space aliens! The clatter from the kitchen was out of this world and I sprang up from my dreams barking and growling so they would know this was NOT going to end well for them! Mama said it was just the kitty knocking a cookie sheet off the counter, but I know better! Once I chased off the aliens I tried to get back to sleep, but I just couldn't get any peace. I could hear monsters in the woods screaching and yowling. Mama said they were raccoons and we could hear them because it was so warm that she had the window open, but I know better. Raccoons... pfffph... Then I was working hard at mama's desk (see me in the pic working hard) when I decided we should take a break so mama and I walked out to the backyard. I was trying to concentrate on a place to piddle when suddenly I heard a giant crashing thru the woods! Mama said it was a tree falling, but I know a crashing giant when I hear one, so I barked and barked until it heard me and ran away. Yesterday was super warm outside, so I spent a lot of time guarding the chickens. Mama was busy taking the lights off our outside tree (she said if she didn't, daddy was going to start calling her a redneck...?) so I made sure I kept a close eye on them. See my chickens?? There used to be more of them but mama says a fox came and then we didn't have as many chickens, so I have to keep an eye out for the fox to come back so I can chase it away too. Then we walked around the perimeter looking for dangers and I had to make mama stay back from this raging river so she wouldn't get wet. I got a drink out of it, but that's just because I'm so brave. I saw lots of scary critters while we were walking and I barked at all of them even tho mama said they were cute. I almost caught one. He was little but sometimes the little ones are the most dangerous things. I tried to get a pic of him to show you because you wouldn't believe the racing stripes on his back. Mama called him a chipmonkey, but he didn't look anything like my moneky... she said there are lots of them at the house. Great, how does she ever sleep with that much danger around!?! Well that's farm life for ya. Mama says we're getting some other farm pups this spring so I won't have to work so hard to keep everyone safe. I can't wait, I could use a break! Talk to you all again soon, stay safe out there! Tucker PS - Anyone know what a fox looks like?? |
AuthorTucker (pomeranian) is an author of marginal famou'nicity. Catch his Tucker Tuesday farm pupdates here and on the Toby Way Farm facebook page. Archives
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