Oh my gosh you guys there's so much going on I don't even know where to start so I took a whole bunch of pictures to show you and I'll just tell you as fast as I can!!
First off, mama had a really boring conference call this week so I had time to get a nap in and she took my pic because I was all comfy and looking cute. Good thing I was there to keep her company! Next - and this part is serious guys - mama got me TWO MINIATURE PANTHERS!!! I was all excited because I like kitties a lot but then I ran out to meet them and one of them has KNIVES on his toes and he swinged them at me and I was like WHOA - DUDE - CHILL! and he was all like hissy and stuff so next time I just sneaked up on him so I could say HI all nice because mama said maybe I scared the kitty but I don't know why he was scared because he's the one with all the knives!! Anyway, mama says their job is to keep chippy-monkeys and mice off the farm and I guess maybe they're going to load them up in mama's Jeep because that's where they hang out a lot. Oh, mama said to tell you their names are Ruger and Colt. So the kitties got to help daddy build the goat barn which I thought was my job but gosh it's hot outside this week so really I'm glad they were there to help this time and I could just watch from the window. Daddy says there's still lots of work to do so probably I'll have to help him this weekend. Then I ran around and took some pictures of some exciting things growing in the garden. Mama is really happy with them but she said it needs to rain soon because they need a drink and WHEW I bet they do because I can't be out there more than a few minutes before I need a big drink! I haven't figured out where she's growing the bacon yet, but I'll keep looking. Finally, daddy has been really excited this week and I think it's because of this pile of sticks some guys set up at the house. He says this is going to be his wood shop and he'll be able to do all kinds of fun things in there so I sure hope he leaves enough room for my toys and stuff because I can't wait to get in there and run around. It'll be great!! Welp, that's a bunch for now. Hope you have a great week and find a cool shady spot to take a nap and avoid the heat. Maybe try some ice cream, it's my favorite cool treat to share with daddy but it doesn't have to be hot for that. Oh yeh and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY this weekend. Mama says sometimes puppies get scared because of all the boomies in the air so I hope you get to have some fun and not be scared of it at all. Your furry farm friend Tucker Bear
Hi friends! It’s Tucker Bear with a long overdue update about what’s happening at the farm!
Hope you’re having a great summer! Since it warmed up a little early this year, I’ve been taking mama for lots of walks to look at flowers and the creek and chipmunks and birds and you wouldn’t believe some of the things we’ve seen! I’ll do a better job of writing to you so I can tell you all about it every Tuesday! Things have been super busy at the farm this spring with new gardens and new chickens and new fences and stuff. This week I’m helping mama and daddy build a barn because we got GOATS and I didn’t know what goats were until a couple of weeks ago when mama and daddy were gone for a long time and then when they came back them spent DAYS out in the pasture with the puppy girls teaching them things about goats. Mama says it only took them about three days to teach the puppies they couldn’t eat the goats because these are just baby goats and my sisters don’t know about things like babies because they’re only a year old but I’m almost TWO and that’s why they didn’t have to spend so much time teaching me not to eat the baby goats. Here’s a family picture mama took of me and the puppy girls and our new goats. I don’t get very close to them because I don’t know if they bite but they sure smell… interesting! They like the puppy girls a bunch, in fact most nap times all four of them curl up and snuggle together and I can see why they would do that because I like to take my naps snuggled up with mama and daddy but mama says the goats and puppy girls aren’t allowed to take naps in the house with us. Must be a rule about goats I didn’t read about! But I have to tell you about something really SCARY that happened while we were building the barn and I’m ok so don’t worry but while I was running around in the zoomy pasture (that’s where I can go really really fast) I forgot daddy was digging a big hole for the barn posts and WHOA I fell right in! It was deep, too, I had to stand on my back tippy toes to see over the top and it was scary for a minute but daddy dropped the heavy board mama was helping him carry and ran over to lift me right out and it was over before you know but WHEW I gotta be more careful! Last week I helped mama bake a whole bunch of yummy bread and then we made jam to go on it and on Saturday (when winter came back for a minute, brrr!) she packed it all up and took it to some kind of market where they sell farmers or something. She said I couldn’t go because not everyone likes Tuckers at places where they sell food and I thought that was kinda silly because how can I tell everyone how yummy the food is if I’m not there but apparently that’s another rule I didn’t read about. Mama said it went really well and she sold all of the bread and lots of jam and eggs and met some really nice people. I don’t know if she bought any farmers but I checked through all her bags when she got home and I didn’t see one in there. Maybe they aren’t in season yet? Mama and daddy went out to the beeyard last week, too, and I wanted to go with them to take pictures to show you but mama said I can’t go because they’ll get stuck in my fur and she doesn’t have a bee suit small enough to fit me, so I didn’t get any pictures of what they did out there but I think they planted a bunch more bees or something because the clover at the house has been full of them. I tried to get a picture of what they sound like out in all that clover but it didn’t work so you’ll have to take my word for it - they’re loud! Mama says I can’t chase the honey bees because she says they would taste owie if I caught one and I don’t know about that but they sure do fly away fast when I try to! I looked really close in one of the clovers because mama says the bee ladies like them because they have ingredients to make honey and I really like honey so I was trying to see down in there if I could get some ingredients for honey but I didn’t see any. I think maybe the bees already took it all, so maybe I’ll just wait until they make some honey for me. Since I couldn’t get you pictures of all the bees they planted I took some new pictures of our big chickens instead. Mama says she evicted the baby chickens out of the house and into the coop. They’ll get to play with the big chickens really soon but for now they’ll hang out in their own spot and just get to know everyone, kinda like when I went to agility class and we all took a few minutes to smell each other so then we could be friends. Welp, that’s it for this week’s update. I’ll take mama around so we can get more pictures real soon and I’ll keep you posted on those goats. Mama says we’re getting more and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. If they grow up to be as big as the puppy girls I’m not sure how many are going to fit in the new barn! Have a great week! Love Tucker Bear |
AuthorTucker (pomeranian) is an author of marginal famou'nicity. Catch his Tucker Tuesday farm pupdates here and on the Toby Way Farm facebook page. Archives
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